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ParentVUE Login

What is ParentVUE?

ParentVUE is a website that allows parents to view their child’s current and historical information, including daily attendance, grades, report cards, test scores, discipline, graduation status, college preparation, and more. It is also a one-stop location for links to other parent services including School Loop and MySchoolBucks (school meal accounts).

With one simple activation, parents can view information on all of their children, from elementary school to high school. Parents can also update emergency card information electronically, submit School of Choice applications, and request Summer School.


Please visit your school site for an Activation Key.


Parent Login
Support via email:

Forgot your password?

Q. I forgot my password.

A. Click on the “Forget your password?” link and enter the email that you set up your account with. ParentVUE will send you an email with your log in information. If you do not receive this email, please email and request your password.